Read these 2 Answer User Questions Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Writing tips and hundreds of other topics.
That: Should be used restrictively to narrow a category or identify a particular item being talked about.
Example: -This is the house that Jack built.
-There are a lot of grammar mistakes that make you look bad.
Which: Should be used non-restrictively. Not to narrow a class or identify a particular item but to add something about an item already identified. Almost always preceded by a comma, a parenthesis, or a dash.
Example: -This is the house that Jack built, which he later sold.
-Jill received a good grade on her paper, which she desperately needed to pass the class.
Exception: “Which” should be used restrictively only when it is preceded by a
Example: -The room in which he ate his dinner.
There, their and they're commonly trip people up on appropriate usage. Follow these rule:
There denotes location. If you look at the word, it contains the word "here," also a location word -- that's not a coincidence. Example: The box is over there.
Their denotes plural possession. Think about the word "heir," which is contained within their; it means someone who inherits -- or someone who possesses. Again, not a coincidence. Example: Their box has been shipped.
They're is a shortened version of "they are." When you see an apostrophe ('), it usually means that letters have been dropped in a word, and the apostrophe takes the place of those dropped letters. Whenever you can substitute the words "they are" for "they're," use the version with the apostrophe. Ex: They're going to bring the box home.
To put all the words together: They're going to take their box over there.
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