Addresses for Letters Tips

Read these 45 Addresses for Letters Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Writing tips and hundreds of other topics.

Addresses for Letters Tips has been rated 3.4 out of 5 based on 2592 ratings and 10 user reviews.
How do I format an inside address?

General Address Formatting

Addresses for officers and enlisted personnel should include title/rank and full name followed by a comma and the initials USA, USN, USAF, USMC, or USCG.

How do I format salutations?

Board of Education Member

... (full name)
Member, ... (name of city) Board of Education

Dear Mr. ...:

How do I format an inside address?


The Honorable ... (full name)
Mayor of ... (city)
City, State ZIP Code


The Mayor of the City of ...
City, State ZIP Code

Dear Mr. Mayor:
Dear Madam Mayor:
Dear Mayor ...(last name):

How do I format an inside address?

Cabinet Member

The Honorable ... (full name)
Secretary of ... (department)
Washington, DC (ZIP code)

Dear Mr. (or Madam) Secretary:

How do I format an inside address?

State Senator

The Honorable ... (full name)
The State Senate
State Capital, State ZIP Code

Dear Senator ... :

What is the proper way to address correspondence to an ambassador of a foreign nation?

Proper Address to a Foreign Ambassador

The salutation for a letter to an Ambassador to the U.S (a foreign Ambassador) should read: Excellency or Dear Mr./Madam Ambassador.

The form of address for a foreign Ambassador should be: His/Her Excellency (full name), The Ambassador of (place name).

Also, the salutation for a letter to a U.S. Ambassador should read: Sir/Madam or Dear Mr./Madam Ambassador.

And the form of address for a U.S Ambassador should be: The Honorable (full name), The Ambassador of the United States.

How do I format an inside address?

Episcopal Dean

The Very Reverend ... (full name)
Dean of ... (place)

Very Reverend Sir:


Dear Dean ...:

How do I format an inside address?

Navy and Coast Guard Officers

Rear Admiral ... (full name), USN (OR: USCG)

Dear Admiral ...:

For officers below the rank of commander, use:

Dear Mr. ...:

How do I format an inside address?

Minister Without Doctorate

The Reverend ... (full name)

Reverend Sir:
Reverend Madam:
Dear Mr. ...:
Dear Ms. (Mrs., Miss) ...:

How do I format an inside address?


Sister ... (name, followed by comma and initials of order)

Dear Sister ...:
Dear Sister:

How do I format an inside address?


... (Full name)
... (name of school)

Mr. (or Dr., Mrs., Ms., or Miss) ...:

How do I format an inside address?

Minister With Doctorate

The Reverend Dr. ... (full name)

The Reverend ... (full name), D.D.

Dear Dr. ...:

How do I format an inside address?

U.S. House of Representatives Member

The Honorable ... (full name)
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515


The Honorable ... (full name)
Representative in Congress
(Local Address)

Dear Representative ... (surname):

How do I format an inside address?

Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court

The Chief Justice of the United States
Washington, DC 20543


The Chief Justice
The Supreme Court
Washington, DC 20543

Dear Mr. (or Madam) Chief Justice:

How do I format an inside address?

Judge of Federal, State, or Local Court

The Honorable ... (full name)
Judge of the ... (name of court)

Dear Judge ... (surname):

How do I format an inside address?

President of College or University

(Full name, followed by comma and highest degree)
President, (name of college)

Dear President ...:
Dear Dr. ...:

How do I format an inside address?

Vice President of the United States

The Vice President
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510


The Honorable ... (full name)
Vice President of the United States
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. Vice President:

How do I format an inside address?

Secretary General of the United Nations

His (or "Her") Excellency ... (Full name)
Secretary General of the United Nations
United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017

Dear Mr. Secretary General:
Dear Madam Secretary General:

How do I format an inside address?

Former President of the United States

The Honorable ... (full name)
local address

Dear Mr. ....

How do I format an inside address?

Compass Points

James Smith
447 Bleeker Street, NW

Harriet Gibson
303 Canal Avenue South

John Kelly
343 SE 12th Street

How do I format an inside address?

Dean of College or University

... (Full name, followed by comma and highest degree)
Dean, ... (name of school or division)
... (name of college)

Dear Dr. ...
Dear Dean ...

How do I format an inside address?

Writing to an Organization

When writing to an individual at an organization, the individual's name should be listed on the first line.
Kathy Baker
First Union Bank
First Union Bank
Kathy Baker

How do I format an inside address?

President of the United States

The President
The White House
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

How do I format an inside address?

United States Senator

The Honorable ... (full name)
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510


The Honorable ...(full name)
United States Senator
Local Address

Dear Senator ... (surname):

How do I format an inside address?

fort, mount, point, port, Saint, Sainte

For addresses, spell out the following:
Fort, Mount, Point, Port.

But abbreviate: St. (Saint) and Ste. (Sainte)

How do I format an inside address?


The Honorable ... (full name)
Governor of ... (state)
State Capital, State ZIP Code

Dear Governor ... :

How do I format an inside address?


The Reverend Monsignor ... (full name)

Reverend Monsignor:
Dear Monsignor ...:

How do I format an inside address?


Professor ... (full name)
Department of ... (subject)
... (name of college)

Dear Professor (or Dr. or Mr.)

How do I format an inside address?

Enlisted Personnel

Sergeant ... (full name), USA

Dear Sergeant ...:

Seaman ... (full name), USN

Dear Seaman ...:

How do I format salutations?


... (full name)
Principal, ... (name of school)

Dear Mr. (or Dr.) ...:

How do I format an inside address?

Mother Superior

The Reverend Mother Superior


Reverend Mother:
Dear Reverend Mother:
Dear Mother ...:

How do I format an inside address?

Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court

Mr. Justice ... (surname) (Or "Madam")
The Supreme Court
Washington, DC 20543

Dear Mr. (or Madam) Justice:

How do I address a letter to a doctor?

Writing to Doctors

In the address block, use:
John Smith, M.D.

In the salutation, use:
Dear Dr. Smith:

Don't use "Dr." and "M.D." together. Same rules apply for Ph.D.

How do I format an inside address?

Methodist Bishop

The Reverend ... (full name)
Bishop of .. (place)

Reverend Sir:


Dear Bishop ...:

How do I format an inside address?


The Reverend ... (full name, followed by comma and initials of order)

Reverend Father:
Dear Father ...:
Dear Father:

How do I format an inside address?


His Holiness the Pope
OR: His Holiness Pope ... (given name)
Vatican City
00187 Rome

Your Holiness:
Most Holy Father:

How do I format an inside address?

Rabbi Without Doctorate

Rabbi ... (full name)

Dear Rabbi ...:

How do I format an inside address?


His Eminence ... (given name)
Cardinal of ... (surname)
Archbishop of ... (place)

Your Eminence:
Dear Cardinal:

How do I format an inside address?

State Representative or Assembly Member

The Honorable ... (full name)
House of Representatives (OR: The State Assembly)
State Capital, State ZIP Code

Dear Mr. ...:

How do I format an inside address?

Episcopal Bishop

The Right Reverend ... (full name)
Bishop of ... (place)

Right Reverend Sir:


Dear Bishop ...:

How do I format an inside address?

Superintendent of Schools

... (full name)
Superintendent of ... Schools

Dear Mr. (or Dr.) ...:

How do I format an inside address?

Two People

Individuals should be listed separately in the address.

John Smith
Sally Smith

John and Sally Smith

How do I format an inside address?

Archbishop and Bishop

The Most Reverend ... (full name)
Archbishop (OR: Bishop) of ... (place)

Your Excellency:
Dear Archbishop (OR: Bishop) ...:

How do I format an inside address?

Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps Officers

Lieutenant General ... (full name), USA (OR: USAF) (OR: USMC)

Dear General ...: (NOT: Dear Lieutenant General ...:)

How do I format an inside address?

Rabbi With Doctorate

Rabbi ... (full name), D.D.

Dear Rabbi ...:
Dear Dr. ...:

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