Read this tip to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about LifeTips Gurus and other Writing topics.
Meanwhile, we've taken the time to put together your most frequently asked questions in an effort to try to help you along in the tip writing world. Read on.
LifeTips Content Assignments:
Q: "Do you have any jobs available?"
A: Yes, we always have jobs available. You can find those jobs by logging onto the Guru admin area and looking under "Tip Site Gigs" and "Client Gigs". Please apply for jobs through this area and if we choose you for a project, you'll get a note of approval from one of our editors.
Q: "Are deadlines flexible?"
A: In a word, no. But we do make exceptions. If you choose to ignore a deadline or simply dismiss the deadline you were assigned, you will have forfeited your project and any subsequent cash payout. If you require an extension of your deadline, simply ask us. We're always willing to work with you and come up with agreeable terms for deadline projects.
Q: "Do I have to fill in..."
A: YES, you do. Each and every tip you write must have a question, keyword association, mobile and most importantly, source area filled out. Should you choose not to fill out any of these areas, we will deduct payment from your overall project.
Q: "I'm an expert in a particular area, do I need a source?"
A: If you directly quote someone, use statistics or offer any type of medical, legal or financial information you must source your information.
Q: "How long should tips be?"
A: Tips vary in length, but are usually around 200-300 words, depending on the topic. The general rule: give as much information as you can so the reader leaves the tip with a definite plan of action.
Q: "Did you receive my book proposal?"
A: If you submitted your book proposal through the Guru Admin area, as required, then yes, we did get your book proposal. Please understand that we get over a dozen book proposals a day, so it takes time for our editor, Melanie, to go through each and every one of them. Once your proposal is accepted, you will hear from us!
Q: "When will my book be published?"
A: The book publishing process is a long and arduous one. The books go through several editorial drafts before the content (inside of the book) is sent to design for layout. The layout process takes the most time, as we need to fit the tips into the allotted spaces, and sometimes add additional pages and design functionality for the books. Once design is finished it comes back to editorial for another proofing. As you can see, this is a back and forth process that requires many proofs and approvals. It can take a few months for your book to be published once your tips have been approved. We are excited, too!! But we take care to review and review and review your tips and the layout to ensure that the book looks its best.
Q: "How do I get paid for my book?"
A: You get paid by live check once a month for any of your books that were sold the previous month through, or other retailers. You will be paid $2/book sale.
Q: "How can other people buy my book?"
A: The books are sold on, and other retailers. You can order directly from those sites. If you have a situation where a client/consumer wants to buy in bulk (more than 100 copies) you can email Melanie Nayer and ask for a bulk rate.
Q: "Where can I find other books that you've published?"
A: All the books in the LifeTips 101 book series are found on, and other online book sites. You can also find the most recent books published on Melanie's blog, which is updated weekly with new books printed, news on books, and other Guru jobs and information.
General LifeTips Questions:
Q: "Did you get my W9?"
A: Yes, we did. It might take up to 4-6 weeks for it to register online, as your W9 goes through our accounting department for processing, etc. Don't worry! If you sent it over, we're sure it's here!
Q: "What are the keywords/mobile/question areas, and what does it mean?"
A: This is the foundation of tip writing. Please familiarize yourself with the keywords portion first. Keywords are essential for SEO and web content. You must include the keyword(s) you are targeting in your tips. The question is simply that.the question that answers your tip. This "question" will be featured on the FAQ pages of relating tip sites. The "Mobile" field is for opt-in cell phone subscribers to get mobile messaging on their phones. You should write a 140-character (one sentence) summary of your tip for cell phone downloads.
Q: "When do I get paid?"
A: Checks are cut once a month during the first week of every month. If you were due any money, you can safely assume that your check went out the first week of the month after your assignment was approved by our editors. Please allow 10-14 business days for your check to arrive.
Q: "I didn't get paid $10 per tip - why?"
A: We pay UP TO $10/tip, as stated in all the LifeTips documents and terms and conditions. The grading is based on spelling/grammar and overall tip content. Please review the terms and conditions agreement you signed when submitting your application for more details.
Q: "I don't like the Guru Admin area; can I send you my tips in a word document?"
A: We need you to use the Guru Admin area! The Guru admin area talks to our LifeTips tip sites which talks to our book publisher's a lot of technical jargon, but it works! We recommend that you write your tips out in Word, if you feel more comfortable, and then copy them into the Guru Admin project area.
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